Astrological Notes from Pat Liles
Full Moon in Aries 11º opposite Sun in Libra 11º
12:11 AM MDT on Oct. 4, 2009
As you read this, we have completed the Mercury retrograde period (Sept 6-29) and passed the powerful Equinox point and are still ambulatory after that 3rd of 5 Saturn/Uranus oppositions (next one in Apr'10). At times I felt like the boxer stumbling back to his corner to be dusted off in the 9th round and being sent back in for the final reckoning!
Something lifted though in that time of testing. The Saturn conjunction to the last New Moon in Virgo, helped me feel the benefit of letting go (mostly of the separating thoughts of the mind) and relying on the practices that actually put me in contact with Spirit/Essence. There in the heart is where the strength and flexibility lie to accept the transitions that are presenting themselves in work, relationship, resources and to become comfortable with that true Feminine essence, Great Mystery.
Learning and practicing that we may have little or no control over a situation, yet having faith that 'things' will present themselves and resolve. Turning over our trust to the Great Mystery-Dark Feminine is what the Virgo/Pisces axis is teaching us. Think Control Freak (me/mine/doing) vs. Compassionate Goddess (we/ours/being). It's the lesson our culture seems to be up against. Can we expand our habitual selves and balance our Mars masculine with our Venus Feminine? These are lessons of the Libra Sun ruled by Venus and the Aries Moon ruled by Mars that we will see in the night sky and feel in our own lives as the moon ripens into fullness on Saturday night.
Ruling Mars is in watery, emotional, nurturing Cancer, traditionally considered not well placed because fiery, warrior Mars likes action better than feeling, but these are not 'traditional' times, and the Masculine represented by Mars can benefit from this opportunity to open and surrender to the healing balance of its supportive and nurturing aspect for itself and for those it loves and protects. Mars also is in relationship to the Nodes: North Node-our point from which Spirit/Essence directs us for growth and learning (now in Capricorn). South Node-that which we have brought into this life from the past and can draw on or heal (now in Cancer). Right use of this Mars ruled Moon might be using the opportunity to heal the misuse of authority and physical and sexual energy that Mars represents and bring it into balance with the Venus, feminine aspects that rule the Libra Sun. The Libra Sun above all needs balance, and also relationship. It's not the individualistic, independent and high-energy vitality of Aries. Instead, Venus-ruled Libra favors cooperation, negotiation, fairness and ethical behavior, beauty, art and harmonious expression.
Practices that bring one into balance and emphasize the feminine are helpful. Whatever supports you in taking the 'leap of faith' in your life (something Aries is prone to) will support the rebirth of creative juice when it comes from a balanced masculine/feminine place. It takes a great deal of Aries courage to let go of the bank and swim with faith into the unpredictable waters of the Great Mystery. Our bodies and minds resist. Our current transition of consciousness is about this letting go of what we have known and relied on to be true and being open to the wisdom of our hearts.
The Aquarian Trio of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter all remain in retrograde and traveling closely together. We still have time to turn inward to determine what it is that we want our collective and personal life to stand for. But soon, they will all turn direct and in forward motion and then you will have the wind to put in motion what you have been creating in the invisible realms: Jupiter direct on Oct.10, Chiron direct on Oct.30, Neptune on Nov. 4.
The aspects of this Aquarian Trio to the rulers of the Full Moon chart suggest that adjustment in the areas mentioned above could still use attention-we are healing something deep here. When Mars trines Uranus on Oct. 4 and Venus opposes Uranus on Oct. 9 we can experience sudden insights about how we are doing in our evolutionary balancing and dance with the masculine and feminine.
Astrological Notes written by Pat Liles, reach her at