Friday, October 2, 2009

Full Moon October 4

Astrological Notes from Pat Liles

Full Moon in Aries 11º opposite Sun in Libra 11º
12:11 AM MDT on Oct. 4, 2009

As you read this, we have completed the Mercury retrograde period (Sept 6-29) and passed the powerful Equinox point and are still ambulatory after that 3rd of 5 Saturn/Uranus oppositions (next one in Apr'10). At times I felt like the boxer stumbling back to his corner to be dusted off in the 9th round and being sent back in for the final reckoning!

Something lifted though in that time of testing. The Saturn conjunction to the last New Moon in Virgo, helped me feel the benefit of letting go (mostly of the separating thoughts of the mind) and relying on the practices that actually put me in contact with Spirit/Essence. There in the heart is where the strength and flexibility lie to accept the transitions that are presenting themselves in work, relationship, resources and to become comfortable with that true Feminine essence, Great Mystery.

Learning and practicing that we may have little or no control over a situation, yet having faith that 'things' will present themselves and resolve. Turning over our trust to the Great Mystery-Dark Feminine is what the Virgo/Pisces axis is teaching us. Think Control Freak (me/mine/doing) vs. Compassionate Goddess (we/ours/being). It's the lesson our culture seems to be up against. Can we expand our habitual selves and balance our Mars masculine with our Venus Feminine? These are lessons of the Libra Sun ruled by Venus and the Aries Moon ruled by Mars that we will see in the night sky and feel in our own lives as the moon ripens into fullness on Saturday night.

Ruling Mars is in watery, emotional, nurturing Cancer, traditionally considered not well placed because fiery, warrior Mars likes action better than feeling, but these are not 'traditional' times, and the Masculine represented by Mars can benefit from this opportunity to open and surrender to the healing balance of its supportive and nurturing aspect for itself and for those it loves and protects. Mars also is in relationship to the Nodes: North Node-our point from which Spirit/Essence directs us for growth and learning (now in Capricorn). South Node-that which we have brought into this life from the past and can draw on or heal (now in Cancer). Right use of this Mars ruled Moon might be using the opportunity to heal the misuse of authority and physical and sexual energy that Mars represents and bring it into balance with the Venus, feminine aspects that rule the Libra Sun. The Libra Sun above all needs balance, and also relationship. It's not the individualistic, independent and high-energy vitality of Aries. Instead, Venus-ruled Libra favors cooperation, negotiation, fairness and ethical behavior, beauty, art and harmonious expression.

Practices that bring one into balance and emphasize the feminine are helpful. Whatever supports you in taking the 'leap of faith' in your life (something Aries is prone to) will support the rebirth of creative juice when it comes from a balanced masculine/feminine place. It takes a great deal of Aries courage to let go of the bank and swim with faith into the unpredictable waters of the Great Mystery. Our bodies and minds resist. Our current transition of consciousness is about this letting go of what we have known and relied on to be true and being open to the wisdom of our hearts.

The Aquarian Trio of Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter all remain in retrograde and traveling closely together. We still have time to turn inward to determine what it is that we want our collective and personal life to stand for. But soon, they will all turn direct and in forward motion and then you will have the wind to put in motion what you have been creating in the invisible realms: Jupiter direct on Oct.10, Chiron direct on Oct.30, Neptune on Nov. 4.

The aspects of this Aquarian Trio to the rulers of the Full Moon chart suggest that adjustment in the areas mentioned above could still use attention-we are healing something deep here. When Mars trines Uranus on Oct. 4 and Venus opposes Uranus on Oct. 9 we can experience sudden insights about how we are doing in our evolutionary balancing and dance with the masculine and feminine.

Astrological Notes written by Pat Liles, reach her at

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

from Cynthia Tierra's newsletter

Cynthia Tierra puts out a monthly newsletter:

"September marks the beginning of fall. This month a day of significance happens, 9/09/2009. Last year, we had 8/8/2008. Next year there will be 10/10/2010, leading up to 12/12/2012. These could be dates, just like any other dates and for some people they will be. For others there is great spiritual meaning attached to those dates.

"Nine is a special number. It is the product of 3X3 and three is the number of balance in mind, body and spirit. In science, there are nine planets in our solar system. It takes nine months for a human baby to fully develop in the womb. In history, number nine was a sacred number in both Egypt and Greece.

"In religion, the hierarchy of angels has nine choruses. The Buddhists see the sky divided into nine celestial levels. In Islam there are nine spheres in the universe. Nine is a number of balance, perfection and order in numerology. Looking at mathematics, nine is the last number in Base 10 and is the last single digit. What an amazing number.

"The spiritual significance of nine is connected with perfectly balanced energy, increasing and magnifying the singular power of the triad.

"On September 9, 2009, take some time to connect with the power of nine. Ask to bring your energy into perfect balance, to balance your mind, body and spirit; to focus on the perfection you truly are. You are a spiritual being in human form. As a human you have free choice and opportunity to experience emotion, thought and belief. All that you experience is a manifestation of the divine within and around you. God, Goddess, Great Spirit, The One Source of All Creation, whatever words you choose, is perfection. As a manifestation of the divine within and around you, you are perfection. Everything else is an illusion, created by your mind and your perceptions. Being on this planet at this moment in the form you are in does not need to limit your experience of perfection. Open up to divine perfection on 9/9/09."

Cynthia's website is: Healing from the Heart

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lynda Hill's newsletter for September

The pure impulse of dynamic creation is formless; and being formless, the creation it gives rise to can assume any and every form Cabala

The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul. The Bible

Speak of the devil and he appears. Arabic proverb

Plant the seed of desire in your mind and it forms a nucleus with power to attract to itself everything needed for its fulfillment. Robert Collier

When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state. Sivananda

Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way. Abraham Lincoln

Mercury is heading for it's retrograde period, set to do it's apparent backwards dance from September 7 until September 30, bringing all kinds of issues and events to the surface - things we need to deal with and some things that we'd perhaps rather not have to deal with.

This period can be wonderfully reviving, revising, re visioning, revamping, redoing, redirecting and can be a time of adjustments, making life easier, smoother and more efficient AFTER the retrograde period (not during when all hell can, and sometimes does, break loose!). When things go awry, it's usually because they need repairing or re visioning - and Mercury retrograde has well earned the phrase that I sometimes call it 'Mercury Wretchrograde' - a "wretch" (and sometimes a "wrench") it can certainly be. The thing to be mindful of is that Mercury won't clear it's shadow (the degrees that it's already passed over) until around October 15, so this really is a longer period than we might at first think.

It seems to me that the rewards often outweigh the difficulties that this period poses. The rewards are part of the re visioning, rewriting, rewiring even, of our lives, our realities and potentials.

If you're already feeling the effects of Mercury retrograde, it's no surprise as although the actual retrograde period starts on September 7, we're now in the shadow period which started around August 18. This means we're heading over the zodiacal degrees now that Mercury will be soon traversing backwards through the retrograde. Hence, the Symbols that are being highlighted now will be highlighted again in September and then again in October, so it pays to take notice of what's going on now as these things may require revising again in some way.

Now, Mercury goes retrograde on Libra 7: A Woman Feeding Chickens and Protecting Them From the Hawks, a degree that Mercury hangs around for around 4 days - from September 5 until September 9. This degree speaks about nurture, protection and guardianship. It's about being on the lookout for changes in the atmosphere, to be mindful of possible intrusions or intruders - without being worried or imagining things that aren't there, of course. It's a lovely degree unless it gets a little out of hand which can lead to imagining problems when there aren't any and attributing hurt and blame where it is not warranted. Having said that, it still pays to be watchful and certainly nurturing and protective in a way that gives those people, things or situations that you're guarding plenty of room and scope for freedom, expansion and self autonomy.

Ancient of Days So, the major thrust of this retrograde Mercury is based around feeding, protecting and being a caretaker.

However, Mercury sits for quite some time on Libra 6: A Man Watches His Ideals Taking a Concrete Form Before His Inner Vision. Not only is Mercury transiting this degree for a number of days in September, it comes back for revisioning in mid October. Further, not only is Mercury transiting this degree, but the Sun and Venus pass over it as well. This is a fabulous degree that is very much about conscious manifestation, having one's ideas and ideals taking shape and the need to have positive, empowering and useful stories, images or plans in the forefront of your mind. Negative, dis empowering or harmful thoughts or messages are likely to bring difficult or bad results.

Below is my interpretation of this degree from my book 360 Degrees of Wisdom: Charting Your Destiny With the Sabian Oracle:

This is a good time to visualize your needs, wants, thoughts and feelings. In the situation facing you, what are the 'Ideals' that need to be made real? Something that we're learning in this new and exciting age of human progress is that conscious concrete manifestation is entirely possible, especially when we feel aligned to our core purpose.

When you decide what it is that you truly want, allowing the energy of it to be focused through the power of the mind will allow it to manifest. Here, something new is being formed, even if it is only in its preliminary stage or early days. If these 'Ideals' are really meant to be brought into 'Concrete Form', focusing intently on them will bring them into reality.

By doing this, you will make it possible for your creative ideas to be projected out into the real world. However, one must be truly thoughtful about what one wants to create. You may find that your hopes and dreams are not only brought into the light of reality, but are truly being put to the test.

Be careful what you wish for. The mind is very powerful, and, if your focus is not used correctly, difficult situations can emerge. Concentrate carefully on what it is that you want and 'Watch' what happens. Think positively as this Symbol can create wonderful magic in your life.

Keywords: Vivid confrontations with one's objectives. Creative visualizations. Imagining things. Meditations and affirmations. Ideas crystallized. Putting things out into the universe. Making things happen. Seeing things take shape and form. Clairvoyance. Film making. Writing and getting published. The power of manifestation. Solidification. Builders. Sculptures. Dreams.

The Caution: Being dissatisfied with what was thought to be the true ideal. Feeling that things are "written in stone" and can’t be changed. Calcified situations or emotions. Neurosis. Focusing on the negative thereby bringing the negative.

Another degree that brings to mind very interesting, useful and dynamic realizations and breakthroughs is the Karmic Condition (the degree before) the Watching Your Visions Take Concrete Form degree. It's Libra 5: A Man Teaching the True Inner Knowledge of the New World to His Students. This speaks about guidance and protection, being a guiding light for others, imparting knowledge, wisdom, looking for truth, seeking answers to complicated questions, listening and learning, turning to others to receive guidance, speaking one's truth, instinctual knowledge, pioneers on the path, teachers and students, secrets of the new age, etc.

There's more to say (there always is) - but suffice to say that this Mercury retrograde period is very much about the thoughts, aspirations, dreams, visions, desires, fears, insecurities, etc, that we allow to enter our mind and heart. We need to project a positive image on out onto the world as for certain it's going to reflect right back at us. We all have lessons we need to both learn and to share with others. Now's a great time for rewiring your possibilities, potentials, dreams and realizations! And, as this retrograde occurs in Libra, the issue of relating and relationships is likely to be in the foreground, but then it seems that this is where the great workshops of life really take place!

Check out Lynda's online Oracle at and her blog

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

From Lynda Hill's newsletter

The following is all from astrologer, Lynda Hill regarding the New Moon of August 20th

The higher you go, the wider the spread of the network of communication that will make or break you. It extends not only to more people below, but to new levels above. And it extends all around, to endless other departments and interests interacting with yours.
Donald Walton

After all is said and done, more is said than done.
American proverb

All of our operators are busy. Your call is important to us and will be answered by the first available operator.
The constant recurring message of busyness

If the first person who answers the phone cannot answer your question it's a bureaucracy. If the first person can answer your question, it's a miracle.
Gerald F. Lieberman

The eagle suffers little birds to sing and is not careful what they mean thereby. William Shakespeare

The Leo new Moon occurs on Thursday, August 20 on Leo 28, the Sabian Symbol is Many Little Birds Chirping on the Limb of a Large Tree.

Below is my interpretation from 360 Degrees of Wisdom: Charting Your Destiny With the Sabian Oracle:

"Many Little Birds Chirping on the Limb of a Large Tree" is an image of fluttering and chirping, movement and song. The "Tree" can seem packed with chattering and movement and yet the "Birds" can be quite invisible. "Birds" gathering to chatter is common, particularly at the end of the day. The Symbol can reflect things like advertising, political campaigns, egotistical prattling and even children chatting and playing together.

The common element in this Symbol is the attempt to have one's voice heard above all the noise and din of the everyday world. It can be hard to gain the attention of others when there's so much competition around. This also can be true when trying to listen to your own inner voice. It can feel like your needs, or your voice, are just one of so many, with little prospect or ability to have your ideas, opinions or plans heard.

Perhaps you have a viewpoint or a project such as a book that you want to get 'out there'. There may seem to be too many points of view, opinions or options now. Although the overall situation is probably secure and stable, there are still some confusions to be resolved. There may be many people or personalities that one has to deal with or look after. Further, you may be vulnerable to lots of chatter going on in your mind. It can sometimes sound like a cacophony of sound, where the intuitive voice or wisdom is drowned out by noise from the emotional world inside. When this happens, it is useful to use a tool, such as the Sabian Symbols, to help you focus on your true objective. Try to relax and gain some perspective until things become a little more settled.

Keywords: Gathering with people of like mind. Sharing ideas. Huge structures where people can get lost in the crowd. Big business, government and bureaucracy. Multilevel marketing. Databases. The Internet and chat groups. Books, tapes and cds. Publishing houses. Competition. Telephone switchboards. Trying to gain attention.

The Caution: Many voices ”some heard, some not. Being confused or immobilized by too much advice or information. Too many sounds. Having trouble hearing the essential truth. A scattering of energies. Not getting a word in edgeways. Everybody talking and nobody listening. Being one of many. Noise and distraction. Staying with the mediocre. The masses. Being invisible. Useless chattering or noise.

So, how do you have your say, how will your voice be heard, how will you get your point across, how can you have your needs met? Are you trying to compete in the marketplace, to get out your ideas, have an audience, be recognized above the clammer and noise of everyday life?

It can be an interesting challenge, and it could be useful to learn how others do it. There are many people that have probably trodden the same path that you're on, have figured it out and have a grip on the rules, tricks and tips of rising above the crowd. This Symbol brings a promise of being heard, but one has to take notice of the "notes" that you are putting forth. Is your tune authentic? Does it lend something to the chorus that's being played out in the real world?

The 'karmic condition' (the degree before) this new Moon is Leo 27: Daybreak - The Luminescence of Dawn in the Eastern Sky. This speaks of getting up early (the early bird getting the worm?) and the gradual, although sometimes rather swift, realization of possibilities and opportunities. It's about new cycles beginning, feeling that one can leave the past behind, finally. Things are revealed and light is shining forth after a difficult time - perhaps a time of obscurity, difficulty, or a dark night of the soul. There is light from the east and an awakening.

This feels like a chance for a new beginning, to start over. Imagination can be strong with expectations and enthusiasm running high. Dreams may be coming forth with surprising messages and insights. Taking note of these can prove to be wonderful and productive. How do you feel when you wake up?

The 'quest Symbol' (the degree after) this new Moon is Leo 29: A Mermaid Has Climbed to the Rocky Shore of a Bleak Coast; She Awaits the Prince Who Will Bring Her Immortality. This Symbol is fascinating - it speaks of emerging into a new reality, finding your feet and your voice, making yourself 'manifest' out there in the real world, it shows the emergence of talent, beauty and abilities - some of which you may have been somewhat blind to in the past.

The trick with this degree, however, is in waiting for 'The Prince' - waiting for that special somebody who's going to complete you, give you the opportunities, provide you with a place, a base, money, support of all kinds; someone who compliments the abilities, talents, gifts and joys you hold in yourself. It can be that those we spend our lives with are not doing this for us - we have to sometimes go it alone while we figure out what we want in our lives. Our futures depend somewhat on our being self sufficient and yet expressing our love; this can be a fine balance to strike between being an individual in your own right and being able to have another (or others) that give us love and our lives more value.

Speaking of value, Saturn, that old taskmaster, is on Virgo 22: A Royal Coat of Arms Enriched With Precious Stones. This says that we have to believe in ourselves, in the things we offer, in the rich vein of our heritage and our abilities. Saturn will reward us if we place a high value on ourselves, our creations, products and relationships.

One thing's for sure, we desire to be with people that hold the same values, beliefs, dreams and wishes. We need to be able to share with like-minded others, particularly as Venus is on Cancer 23: The Meeting of a Literary Society. A meeting of the minds is essential for this new emergence and cooperative ventures.

Meanwhile, Mars is on Gemini 27: A Gypsy Emerging From the Woods Gazes at Far Cities. This speaks of thinking outside of our usual realm, being prepared to strike out for new places, horizons, possibilities and the promises that 'far cities' can bring. We can find ourselves a long way from home or we can travel on the internet - there's no rules, just the desire to set out on a mission and striving for new territory.

At the same time, we need to feel like we have a safe base, somewhere to retreat to or feel looked after. This is shown by Jupiter on Aquarius 22: A Rug Placed on the Floor For Children to Play On. We want to feel we belong, are protected and can have fun, play and be creative. Amongst it all, we also need to feel like we're not shut in; in a crib or a playpen or roped off from the big wide world. Perhaps we're trading safety and security for striking out into a world of possibilities.

Neptune is in high focus opposite this new Moon. The message here is keeping one's equilibrium while learning to stretch our wings and fly. Neptune is on Aquarius 25: A Butterfly With the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed. We have to strive for balance and rise above challenges and impediments. After all, a brand new day is unfolding and the birds hold many messages!

Mercury is also asking us to let go of the old, the outworn and the useless in our lives. Whether it's attitudes, emotions, beliefs, relationships, belongings, places, etc, that we have to let go of, there's a lowering of a flag here. This is because Mercury is on Virgo 25: A Flag at Half Mast in Front of a Public Building. Mourning may be part of the process and it seems that Mercury is paving the way for Saturn to be on this degree very soon. It seems it's time to be letting go, seeing the new dawn and finding our feet and our voices.

Times are sure interesting... I should use this opportunity to share with you Chiron's message of the moment. As many of you will have read in my newsletters, I see Chiron as being more than just the wounded healer and a teacher, I see it as being the storyteller, and, more importantly than that, it's about the stories we tell ourselves. Chiron is currently on Aquarius 24: A Man Turning His Back on His Passions Teaches Deep Wisdom From His Experience.

This speaks of turning your back on something that once meant a great deal to you. This can be a very good thing, if you feel that it turning (or walking away) is taking you forward in life. Many times in our lives, we need to make u-turns and reversals, to walk away from something or somebody.

However, the story may be that we need to heal a wound within ourselves that needs more than turning our backs - it needs a turning of attitude. Some relationships, careers, jobs, life paths, etc, may be impossible to fix, but, with patience, love care and attention, there can be a reversal of outcomes which could lead to a wonderful outcome without having to completely turn your back. Chiron, after all, wants a healing, that's his job. In the end, whatever affects a healing is what needs to be put in place.

Check out Lynda's online Oracle at> and her blog at - get a reading with Lynda - details here

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

more from P.M.H. Atwater

This is part of the email I received and felt some of the ideas were worth putting here in extra for those interested in astrology and how the times might be impacting them.


by P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D.

On March 13, 2009 I sent out a mass mailing from my website, an article entitled "Tidbits for Tough Times," for the purpose of offering some context to the type of changes we are all going through. If you did not receive a copy of that mailing, the article is now available on my website at, <,> in the Article Section. This mailing is a sequel, again offering context, but going a little further with a few specifics.

Please understand, we are not just going through a downturn or a recession or a depression right now. We are caught in what is termed 'The Great Shifting.' I had a DVD on this at one time that explained in detail what was meant by this. The main crux of that presentation is this: The Great Shifting refers to the Cosmic Year (in astrology), and how every 25,920 years a full rotation of the zodiac is completed.

A Cosmic Month lasts around 2,160 years, and is what we call an 'Age,' like the Age of Pisces or the Age of Aquarius (not here yet, by the way, contrary to some rather sensational claims being made lately). This massive cycle of 25,920 years is almost beyond anyone's ability to fathom. This kind of shift is not just a paradigm shift; it is evolution in our time.

We moderns have a pretty good working knowledge of the last hundred years or so, maybe even a couple of thousand, but 25,920 years ago? Only our indigenous people have that memory. The Great Shifting is here. Now. Everywhere. The energy of the wheel's turn represents more than a cycle; it spirals.

That means: before the next lift upward to higher levels on the spiral, there is always a dip, a downturn. Spiral downturns can last a while a year, a decade, or longer. There is logic to this, a harmonic rhythm, that suggests a Great Plan is taking place, one that follows a Higher Consciousness than our own. The Mayan Calendar is based on this, tracking the development and growth of consciousness itself.

As this rotation completes itself and we move up another octave of vibration (evolutionary phase), we face a myriad of other challenges, in tandem to larger ones. Last time I spoke of Uranus opposite Saturn, a particular push/pull we all have been feeling.

In review: whatever we have depended on before, whatever seemed solid, dependable, and true, is now falling apart. We feel as if "the rug" is being pulled out from under us. We didn't do anything in particular to cause this. We were living our lives, making our plans, looking forward to even better times ahead, when, all of a sudden things came to a screeching halt. And it seems sudden, even though this
condition has been long in coming. We didn't recognize it because we weren't

Uranus in the sign of Pisces is opposite Saturn in the sign of Virgo. The biggest changes that we are dealing with, then, cover religion (church, doctrines, how we worship); spirituality (belief, values, personal relationship with Deity); philosophy (how we live, how we order ourselves, what motivates us); creative imagination (what pleasures us and why, the arts, invention and innovation); security/privacy (are we safe, can we protect what we have); emotions and feelings (do we disappear into WebWorlds or drugs - which detach us from touch and foster a loneliness that is stark and depressing).

These changes are in direct opposition to the logic we once trusted that covered employment, savings, investments, banks, social mores, schools, what we possess, how we dress, what defines us as practical/dependable human beings, our very sense of good health and the "miracle" of pharmaceuticals and chemicals (which supposedly make our lives and our food and our world "better").

What we once depended upon, what we built with our sweat and effort that is what's at risk. Uranus rips apart what Saturn puts together. . . for the purpose of waking us up to our own follies so we can transform, shift, redo, remodel, refit that part of our lives and our world that is being affected.

This tugging energy between the two extremes has been in our laps for about a year now, and will continue until almost the end of 2010, bringing with it major adjustments in how the world works. Whether positive or negative depends on us.

A big clue, in not only how to survive what seems an unending crises, but actually in how to thrive and succeed in spite of all, is Pluto in Capricorn, through 2024. It's that wonderful down-to-earth Capricornian energy that will make the difference. When you think of Capricorn, you think of "the turtle that wins the race" because Capricorns don't know the meaning of the word "quit."

This energy pattern is constant, dependable, resourceful, practical, hard-working, prepared, ambitious, willing to begin small and work up, good with investments, keeps on, refines, remodels, restructures, reinvents, refigures, protects, guards, builds, has an alternative (usually numerous alternatives), desires success and is willing to succeed, double-checks, able to sacrifice for a goal, is there to help/serve when needed. Although Capricorn can seem a cold, cruel taskmaster (not being prone to displays of emotion), the truth is this patterning is infused with a sense of tradition, pride, devotion, and compassion. Thrift is the middle name of Capricorn, but so is the miracle of patience. When you think "Capricorn" . . . think wisdom.

All of this, the Great Shifting, is a natural cycle, another in evolution's march toward the TRANSFORMATION of our world, our very being. None of the current economic systems are sustainable not capitalism, not socialism, not communism, not theocracy, not tyranny. And no governmental or political leader in any country has the know-how, the training and vision, to find a lasting solution. It will take all of us together. There is already a flood of people, ideas, and muscle coming forward to do the job, in ways that honor the tough choices ahead.

Excellent teachers are popping up everywhere, with workshops and models that
show exceptional promise. A new consciousness is not only rising, it is fostering one miracle after another: like turning mushrooms into a substance that eats up road oil; creating classrooms that can handle the new spatial-visual minds; spinning new fabrics from the trash we throw away; and so forth. Capricorn is our clue, remember?

Begin small, be creative. Read about what is working in Ode, the new magazine for intelligent optimists ( We subscribe. I hope you will, too. Support your local newspaper; subscribe to that, too.

While we're at it, let me share a few more things:

People are dying younger and quicker than before. Death and dying are now important topics. New books/sources I can recommend:

Light on Death, The Spiritual Art of Dying, J. Phillip Jones. 2007,
Mandala Publishing, San Rafael, CA.

Final Journeys, A Practical Guide for Bringing Care and Comfort At The End
of Life, Maggie Callanan. 2008, A Bantum Book, NYC.

As You Die, P. M. H. Atwater. As both a CD or a DVD through Atwater¹s
online bookstore, or from

Transition Guides, a volunteer service, teaching The Art of Conscious Dying to caregivers. Contact Diane Goble. Refer to the Marketplace in <> Diane has a section there with contact details.

For those ready to view death through "the eyes of the soul," read We Live
Forever, P. M. H. Atwater. 2004, A.R.E. Press, Virginia Beach, VA.

Methods of health and healing need revising. Costs are soaring out of sight while Medicare covers less. Excellent alternatives to allopathic medicine are such nodalities as homeopathy, vitamin and mineral therapy, herbs, energy medicine, complementary health care, naturopathy. No doctor can heal you; patch you up, yes, but not heal. That's up to you. Educate yourself.

I practice alternative healthcare methods and they work. My doctor is a
osteopath/homeopath who believes in the power of prayer. M.D.s are great for
emergencies (I've had a few), but they seldom bother with general care (doesn't pay enough). We must be more proactive.

Start with a good diet, exercise, yoga, thankfulness, prayer, meditation. Cranial-sacral therapists are life-savers, so are good SCIO machine operators (a type of energy
healing). Good healers, certified and licensed, are virtually everywhere now. Check credentials and references. Avoid drugs if you can. Vitamin D the last two years, medical research has uncovered the almost unbelievable healing power of Vitamin D. Google for the latest findings. You may be as stunned as I was. Few doctors are up to speed on this.

Example: how many know that people of color are at the most risk - because the
pigmentation that softens their skin and keeps them from burning shuts out Vitamin D. How much do we need? That's the stickler: you must have a blood test to know, then another one maybe two months later to make certain what you are taking is doing the job. I take 20,000 units daily. For me, this is just right.

Within one week of taking Vitamin D, skin problems virtually disappeared. My dermatologist was amazed. I urge you to look into this and see what applies to you, especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or other medical conditions where Vitamin D could make a difference.

We are not helpless. We have free choice. Use it. There's nothing like community, even a community of minds, where people get together on occasion, talk to each other, help each other, laugh with each other. How many of you still throw lunch or dinner parties with your neighbors and friends? Do you even know your neighbors? Visiting, having fun in a group environment, is an invaluable investment in caring and love. We human beings need each other. And we need to talk with each other.

Television and computers serve an important function, but they should never
dominate your life. Too many electronic marvels can bake your brain. What many people are calling "the problems associated with ascending into higher energies"
things like short-term memory loss, forgetfulness, being fuzzy-headed, vertigo, energy drain, abdominal weight gain, bloating are really the result of the accumulated effects from excessive exposure to mercury, toxic metals, aluminum, Aspartame, cell phones, electromagnetic pollution, and so forth. We are reaping the results of a lifestyle that has stretched us further than our physical bodies can adjust to. We need to do some rethinking here, and change some of our laws.

Don't get too caught up in "2012." The Mayan Calendar, and all other known ancient calendars, recycle themselves in the sense that they were set up to operate "forever," whether or not advanced times were actually described. The Mayan Calendar is no exception. Astrology tells us that transformational changes continue for decades to come. We have a "window" of opportunity here to recreate our world in wonderful ways. It won't be easy, but it's well worth the challenge.

You have my permission to share this article with anyone you please. Please
use as is. Thanks, PMH

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Libra Full moon April 9, 2009

Two things extra about the current Libra full moon:

All the oppositions we find in life are symbolized by the interplay between these two energies. The question always is: what will we do with it? Choose wisely this year.

This Libra Full Moon comes while the Sun is in Aries – Mars the warrior god and Venus, Goddess of Beauty, Sexuality and Love rule these two signs. Sun in Aries like Mars’ energy is aggressive and playful, inquisitive and impetuous. But there’s also assertive leadership and courage under the bad boy image.

The Moon reflects Venus in Libra, and can be seductive, social, intelligent and talented. Just as the Sun and Moon are often mythically paired as lovers, so are Venus and Mars.

Venus is the one who tames the wild warrior spirit, the one who can take the war out of the warrior. Mars gives Venus strength and courage and a renewed sense of herself.

When combined, the power of love can’t be beat. When we use Venus’ ability to connect to Mars in a loving and enchanting way, we can bring out his best qualities. He will protect and defend the land and those people he loves. It’s not false patriotism, fueled by hatred or rhetoric. It’s will and desire at the service of life. It’s Aragon and Arthur. It’s Cleopatra and Eleanor of Aquitaine.

The Full Moon is supported by the Aquarian planets we’ve been discussing for the past year, adding their vision of unity and cooperation to the balance between self and other. Ideals need to come back into vogue.

The continuing energetic shift happening through the Uranus/Saturn opposition – the opening mantra for the Cosmic Story of change – gets kicked into high gear by this full Moon. >Mars in Pisces just opposed Saturn in Virgo and will be uniting with Uranus in Pisces in a few days. More on that below.

The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 20 Aries is: A young girl feeding birds in winter. A new feminine attitude of nurturing and caring for life’s spiritual insights during times of death and lack will enhance life. The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 20 Libra is: A Jewish rabbi in a tiny room full of manuscripts and books, performing his Duty. This concerns the power of the Word to transform consciousness. Through the lens of our spiritual paths, which includes ancient wisdom as well as inner experience, we know what we have to do. If our purpose is to feed the birds (spiritual messengers or intuitions) in our lives, make sure you have a firm understanding of the power of words to enlighten, to enthrall, to heal or to hurt.

What truths have finally hit home for you?

How will that change your life?

This Libra Full Moon has its ruler, Venus, still retrograde in Aries. She’s being purified in new fire, truly reborn. The Cosmic story says we need to understand love and connection differently. We need to have a strong love of Self as well as a strong love of the Other to help us in this transformative time of change in the world.

We have problems that need solving, as well as the wisdom to solve them. But will we do it?

Mars is traveling through Pisces, and coming into range of his April 15 conjunction with Uranus. What did you do on 4/4/2009? When Mars is in Pisces, he dissolves back into the ocean of the collective unconscious, and resurrected when he re-emerges in Aries on April 22. What have we learned about our relationships since last September? How do we measure up when we relate to others? What habits and stuck feelings need to be released? Especially anger, resentment and fear.

The old Venus/Mars cycle will end when Venus and Mars unite again on April 21, just after Venus goes direct at 30 Pisces. At the very last degree of the zodiac. This is a marker for change. This conjunction of Venus and Mars will work its magic in the waters of the collective unconscious. Watch for what develops in your life! With Mars in Pisces, about to re-emerge in Aries after a date with Venus, we will be picking up the speed of change as he touches both Saturn and Uranus. How did that dissolving masculine energy bear the tension of opposing Saturn in Virgo? Saturn will bring up old patterns and either set you struggling again, or if you let Mars dissolve the old patterns, Saturn and Mars together can build new ones. Once again, old vs. new.

When Mars joins with Uranus on April 15, be open to surprise. Of course, how you meet it makes all the difference. Surprise can bring us joy or knock us to our knees. If you find yourself on your knees, pray. There’s always another way to look at your situation. Think outside the Box!

Just imagine -Maybe none of us will have to pay our taxes this year! Maybe the IRS will be dissolved. That would be a vision I’d vote for! If not that, just remember, this is a moment of awakening. Mars is being brought back to life, quickened by the archetypal heavens of Uranus and carried in the ancient ocean of the collective unconscious.

This very act gave birth to Venus/Aphrodite! If you haven’t noticed already, there’s a cosmic pattern playing out in the night skies. These two planets will flirt, dance and make love to each other over the next few months. First on April 21, and a second time for good luck on June 21 – Summer Solstice – at 15 Taurus, a critical degree which forms a power gate for manifestation. The energies of love and desire will be changing, connecting, blending and transforming. The only way to get this energy into the world is through you. So start dancing!

If Mars/Aries self-interest isn’t tempered by Venus/Libra/connectedness, we most probably will mess things up. Again. But that’s only if we refuse Love. Once we balance our Will with our Love, we’ll find different options and greater understanding of life. Then the real creativity can begin!

from Cathy Lynn Pagano


then from the email by Jose, Lena, Stephanie and Pat

The Full Moon is Thursday, April 9 at 7:56 AM Arizona time and PDT which is 8:56 AM Mountain Daylight Time. The full moon will occur 19 degrees of Libra.

This is a great time to honor and appreciate what you value in yourself and in others. Change your focus to think of having an experience rather than doing something. Celebrate who you are rather than what you do. Practice seeing others for who they are rather than for what they do.

A beautiful Libra Moon ruled by Venus aligns opposite the Aries Sun at 19º. Libra is the sign of relationship, partnership, the other. Symbolized by the Scales, Libra seeks harmony, balance, cooperation. It is considerate, agreeable, diplomatic, tactful, artistic, refined, and beautiful. Creating and seeing harmony and beauty in the outer world equates with calm in their inner world. A cardinal (initiating), air (yang) sign stands opposite Aires representing the continuum of Self and Other. It is Libra-The sign of opposites and complements. Marriage, friendship, business partnership, relationship in all form is the core of Libra's world. Here is the opportunity to deepen your relationships and speak your truth and give love a voice. Be mindful of what you have projected outward onto the 'other' - your partner, work or neighbor. Libra in the negative pole can be unsure, indecisive-seeing all points of view and unable to choose, indifferent, giving away power to others, vain.

Checking the aspects to the Full Moon, we are gifted by the conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron between 20-25º Aquarius (air) trining the Full Moon in Libra (air). Also there are two quintiles (72º- relationship of the creative, dividing the circle into 5) from Pluto and the South Node to the Full Moon lending itself to creatively drawing on our inherent gifts (of the past) to evolve, transform and regenerate the basic structures that support our society and ourselves especially in government, financial institutions, community, and personally in our careers (Pluto in Capricorn). What do we want our society to stand for? (Capricorn). This is a question for serious contemplation now. The Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron configuration is supplying us with a portal of hope, optimism and inspiration until the end of the year to envision how we would like our world to be. An opportunity to work collectively with the Quantum Field is presenting itself to us through this Aquarian grouping. Next year we will need this vision to sustain the challenges from Pluto to the ongoing opposition of Uranus and Saturn. Our work is rebuilding all areas of our lives by replacing hierarchies with cooperation. Releasing and healing the victim energies that hierarchies engender will make available inspiration and solutions to the seeming crisis/opportunities that are before us. Feed the new, innovative parts of yourself; don't dwell on what has dropped away; that's an energy leak. Things really aren't going back to the way they were. Yea!

Mercury, newly moved into Taurus, has us thinking about our resources and what we value. Venus is squaring Pluto three times this spring (Feb.5, April 3, May 2). The god of capitalism/consumerism has sown the seeds of its own self-destruction. We are feeling into our new relationship to what we value and what 'wealth' is. People are fearful and self-doubting as they come up against a collective constriction in havingness or external lack. As we cultivate our inner resources unlocking what we love and what stirs our passions, guided by spiritual Neptune and philosophical Jupiter in Aquarius with Chiron bridging between the tangible and cosmic world, external materialism becomes diminished and much less important compared to the inner wealth we feel when working together in community and for the common good of each other and the planet. Like being in the birth canal, fear in restricted places (or times) points to an unknown world emerging beyond. Use the power of the Libra Full Moon to balance and deepen your life and relationships with creativity and intimacy. Assist others.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Computer portraits

To do a computer portrait, sometimes I start with a computer image like the webcam photo of me above. I try to set a mood that I want to capture, snap it and then can use it either in looking at it or even start painting over the top of it to get the colors I want. Flesh tones are the hardest to get right from the Corel Palette and with a photo to start, I have them already. Sometimes I snap a photo like this one, cut out the colors I want, then paste them onto a new board where they are available to use.

The one immediately above these words is my first and I know that only because I wrote first on it. You can see the problem I had with getting color right. I wasn't attempting to find a mood this time. Just figure out how the brushes worked and with a mirror getting the idea of how shading and such would impact my result. This one was the last I did with a lot better sense of how to get flesh tones. It was a combination of a photograph, an image in my mind that I wanted, and trying to create a mood. There is no way to do something like this from a mirror as you'd be looking in it and losing the mood-- hence a photo had to set the mood.
The rest of these are not in any particular order. The one above was supposed to be a little more glamorous, minxish, a woman who was not of the land as I so often portray. This version of me is a side that wouldn't be seen often but it's there inside coming out only rarely.
Another of the less than good skin tones and set expression studying a mirror image. Mirrors have their advantages but they take more work to create a mood and experience helps that happen.
Mirror and darned determined to get it right. That is my cat behind me on the bed where she most often is and hence earned the title-- Me and My Shadow.

This is another mirror portrait but I had the idea of adding small images of things that are important in my life whether in spirit or reality.

I decided to do one as a drawing and again using mirror. This one suggests a woman not in control with other hands forcing her choices. It is how many of us often feel. What is the old song-- freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. Of course, we have other hands impacting what we do and sometimes they seem more powerful than us.

Inside all women is that little girl they once were. Above is mine. I called it Moon Child and below is the woman today without the glasses and less of the moon. Is she more or less than she was? I am very lunar oriented, much feel the influence of full moons and frequently work them into paintings, photograph them often.

With the heavy lining on the eyes, the sad expression, this one earned the title Nostalgia. I still wasn't very good with the brushes when doing it and had a hard time getting shading right. it's from the earliest bunch of these portraits. Perhaps the eyes are so heavily lined to hide crying which women often do-- not saying I was when I painted this one from a mirror.

This one was meant to suggest the ocean and sky as storms tear at us and we have to stand firm against them. Again with the mirror and memory.

This one was the magic mirror as I painted what I saw as I looked into the mirror I routinely used in these self-portraits but put a background that was where I felt if the mirror was magic. The background is Big Hole Valley in Montana where the Nez Perce fought one of their battles trying to win their way to freedom.

This is one of my favorite sayings and my crystal ball. Not much more to say about it. I should try it again with my improved brush control.
I decided it would be fun to try painting more than the face for these self-portraits and these two are taking separate moods but using a photograph for the inspiration. I took the photos with self-timer..
These next two are back to the head but with a little more mood to them and experience has given me better control of brush and color.

Woman on Fire

More sadness in this one and not sure what it should be called. I was getting a bit better at looking at an image of me and creating a mood and not just a set, frozen expression.

The next two are more imaginary. The first one is how I see myself sometimes as the earth mother. The last one visualizing how I will be as I move farther into the aging process.

These were done over about a year and a half although I am uncertain when I first saw the idea on Blaugustine.