New Moon is Wednesday, April 14 at 6:29AM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) Re-focus on your creativity and imagination and what you are birthing or desiring to manifest for yourself. The new moon is always a good time to plant seeds, to honor what has died and to appreciate the rich compost created by your personal past history. New moon will often bring a still point, like an engine winding down or a computer shutting off. When you re-boot, re-start and re-focus, it is important that you listen only to yourself and to spirit. Regardless of any drama taking place "Out There", you can find a still point, a place of security and peace inside of you. Honor that you know who you are, and you know what you want. Do not take others reactions to your ideas or desires personally. Spirit has no judgment, so talk to spirit when you need to share. During this new moon time and preferably as close to the new moon time as possible spend some quiet alone time just with yourself and spirit.
Think of it as a re-set time.
Astrological Notes:
by Patricia Liles
New Moon in Aries 24ยบ
Wed. April 14, 6:29 AM MDT
Take your cue from nature; she is ecstatic in display that comes from bursting forth in color, new growth and renewal! Aries, first sign of the zodiac, masculine and initiating with its fiery ruler Mars, radiates enthusiasm, initiative, vitality and courage for beginning anew. And like the Spring Equinox, Aries New Moon calls us to release the energy gathered into our core in the dark of winter and spend it where we feel most alive, unrestrained and full of Self.
You might be glad to know this New Moon has none of the heavy intensity of Pluto aspects to Sun/Moon prominent in the Full Moon two weeks ago. So many felt pushed to their limits under that weekend influence. This New Moon chart is notable for a lack of almost any primary aspects. Much is going on but is more subtle, preparatory and behind the scenes.