Hello Everyone.......I've been debating with myself as to whether I should send out an email about some information I'm aware of, that I feel is important enough for me to write this email, and have finally elected to do just that. I am sending this email to some people who are not on my email list because I feel the information is that important.
The sources of this information are very accurate and are rarely in error.......Cosmic Awareness (cosmicawareness.org), and it's interpreter, Will Berlinghof (rainbowphoenix.com), the Pleiadians (pleiadians.com) as well as my very own Spirit team. I can assure you this information is NOT on the mainstream news, and if it is, most of it is false.
The first bit of information concerns the radiation from the Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan. It's very, very bad and has now reached the entire west coast from Alaska, Canada and down to Mexico. Much debris is now clearly washing up in these areas including many dead sea life. I love fish, especially wild salmon caught in remote areas of Alaska, and tuna, which I've mainly purchased from Wild Planet and Vital Choice which test their products for mercury and so forth and are an impeccable source.
However, my Spirit team has told me the last few weeks not to eat fish anymore. There is too much radiation in all sea life! And that goes for all fish that are farm raised as well. With oil spills and other toxic poisons, it's just not safe to eat any of it.
In addition, there's a high probability of many areas being evacuated in the Pacific (including large portions of Japan) and along the entire western coastal areas in the next few years as many people become very sick.
As many of you already know, earth's waters are in pretty bad shape as are our food sources are as well. Much of the US's produce is genetically modified (GMO) and not fit to eat. How many of you know that all corn except organic corn seeds are GMOs.
For more information on GMO produce and food, a very good source is Melissa Diane Smith (melissadianesmith.com), who has written extensively on this subject. From Melissa's website, there are links to lists of products and companies that either support and/or produce GMO products. In fact, almost all wheat, canola oil, corn and many other products are exclusively GMO products unless it is certified organic. We have Monsanto to thank for all these GMO seeds and produce.
If you're interested, several times a year, there are a large group of people marching against Monsanto here in Tucson. In fact, I've seen signs around town for another march coming up soon. Whole Foods and New Life Health Centers have products specifically marked NON-GMO.
My advice is to buy only organic produce and products marked ORGANIC whenever possible. We are truly blessed to have a wide range of Farmer's Markets here in Tucson. All the products at the Heirloom Farmer's Markets (heirloomfm.com) are organic as are several others. I bless these farmers who toil endlessly to ensure that we have real food!
Furthermore, in addition to these concerns most of you are aware of the chemtrails that are sprayed almost daily in our skies. They are loaded with toxins and poisons of all kind. These chemtrails are being sprayed continually all over the world. Is it a wonder so many people and animals are sick?
The best way to stay healthy is to make sure your immune systems is strong and that you run a grounding cord from your body into the earth helping to keep you grounded. Just visualize big golden cords running from under your feet, attached to a huge anchor, and drop it into the middle of the earth. It's good to do this visualization several times a day. It really helps.
To counterbalance the radiation, take Iodine. There are many places to buy this product. I buy my minerals from Water Oz (wateroz.com) and order many bottles of Iodine at one time. Be sure to take minerals.....I find most people are really lacking in minerals and not vitamins as much.
REMEMBER: Each one of you is responsible for your own health so be sure you become informed as to what you put into your body.
The second subject I wish to discuss is the possibility of some VERY MAJOR events occurring starting from approximately July 15th and forward.........most likely they will be earth changes of some kind such as earthquakes, volcanos and so forth. There could be some political and/or economic changes of some kind as well. I'm not sure. What I am sure of is that our world is very unstable; in fact, many people are highly unstable at this time as many things are falling apart!
I've long predicted and said this type of thing was coming........in January 2009, the planet Pluto went into the sign of Capricorn where it will be for approximately 18-20 years. That was the beginning of the breakdown of all structures and ways of life as we know it. In my predictions for this year (posted on my website), I specifically warned about difficulty in the US for 2014 and 2015 as Pluto is exactly opposite the Sun Sign of Cancer in the United States' birth chart (July 4, 1776).
For those of you who are sensitive, you can feel the heaviness of energy permeating earth. Sometimes it's so heavy, I can barely function and have to lie down and nap for a while.
There's much more I could say, but I don't wish to do so at this time. I felt a strong responsibility to at least send out this email so that each of you can be aware.
I want to remind you all that no matter what happens you need to be in a place of KNOWING and FEELING that all is well in your world and that things ALWAYS unfold in your favor easily and effortlessly. The stronger you KNOW and FEEL this, the stronger you create grace in your life.