Monday, October 6, 2014

Hunter's Moon October 8

Hunter's or Blood moon-- 

The full moon is approaching, and the full moon is always three evenings. Tuesday evening is the first eve, and then the fullest night, Wednesday 08 October is the fullest. It is the hunter's moon, because in native Shamanic tradition it is the moon by which the men would see by when hunting and also harvesting food for the tribe. It is also known as the blood moon full moon lunar eclipse. It is a red or blood full moon lunar eclipse and its meaning is that of the bleeding of all that no longer serves us to bring about healing and pure seeing, just like when we as women have our moon time (menses) it is a cleansing and purifying and in native Shamanic tradition the mystics and seers of the tribe when in their moon time would go into the special teepee and bleed into Mother Earth cleansing and purifying herself and the earth and then receive the wisdom in clear seeing of vision from Source, and the tribe would have ritual dance around the sacred fires to bring this new vision into fruition, so too will it be for this blood full moon and lunar eclipse. May this full moon cleanse you, heal you, and bring forth the new vision for your life-- Nenari Diamondlady from Facebook 


This is truly an intense and possibly highly emotional time that will trigger and push everything to the edge and beyond. Instead of retreating or freezing up in fear and terror, go out and become part of the storm. Harness the tremendous energy that has the potential to feed your creativity and dreams in ways you could never have imagined. 

Stay away from drama that is not yours, as there will be some out there that react to this level of energy by projecting it into negativity and fear. Keep your frequency high and always turn your focus towards the truth of what works for you. 

This full moon and eclipse triggers a two week time frame of revolutionary intensity that can either propel you into radical transformation or have you falling off the three-legged stool. Your ability to pay attention, and to stay focused and present while also allowing yourself to grab the power of the storm, will be key to staying firmly on the stool.         Patricia Liles