The following is all from astrologer, Lynda Hill regarding the New Moon of August 20th

Donald Walton
After all is said and done, more is said than done.
American proverb
All of our operators are busy. Your call is important to us and will be answered by the first available operator.
The constant recurring message of busyness
If the first person who answers the phone cannot answer your question it's a bureaucracy. If the first person can answer your question, it's a miracle.
Gerald F. Lieberman
The eagle suffers little birds to sing and is not careful what they mean thereby. William Shakespeare
The Leo new Moon occurs on Thursday, August 20 on Leo 28, the Sabian Symbol is Many Little Birds Chirping on the Limb of a Large Tree.
Below is my interpretation from 360 Degrees of Wisdom: Charting Your Destiny With the Sabian Oracle:
"Many Little Birds Chirping on the Limb of a Large Tree" is an image of fluttering and chirping, movement and song. The "Tree" can seem packed with chattering and movement and yet the "Birds" can be quite invisible. "Birds" gathering to chatter is common, particularly at the end of the day. The Symbol can reflect things like advertising, political campaigns, egotistical prattling and even children chatting and playing together.
The common element in this Symbol is the attempt to have one's voice heard above all the noise and din of the everyday world. It can be hard to gain the attention of others when there's so much competition around. This also can be true when trying to listen to your own inner voice. It can feel like your needs, or your voice, are just one of so many, with little prospect or ability to have your ideas, opinions or plans heard.
Perhaps you have a viewpoint or a project such as a book that you want to get 'out there'. There may seem to be too many points of view, opinions or options now. Although the overall situation is probably secure and stable, there are still some confusions to be resolved. There may be many people or personalities that one has to deal with or look after. Further, you may be vulnerable to lots of chatter going on in your mind. It can sometimes sound like a cacophony of sound, where the intuitive voice or wisdom is drowned out by noise from the emotional world inside. When this happens, it is useful to use a tool, such as the Sabian Symbols, to help you focus on your true objective. Try to relax and gain some perspective until things become a little more settled.
Keywords: Gathering with people of like mind. Sharing ideas. Huge structures where people can get lost in the crowd. Big business, government and bureaucracy. Multilevel marketing. Databases. The Internet and chat groups. Books, tapes and cds. Publishing houses. Competition. Telephone switchboards. Trying to gain attention.
The Caution: Many voices ”some heard, some not. Being confused or immobilized by too much advice or information. Too many sounds. Having trouble hearing the essential truth. A scattering of energies. Not getting a word in edgeways. Everybody talking and nobody listening. Being one of many. Noise and distraction. Staying with the mediocre. The masses. Being invisible. Useless chattering or noise.
So, how do you have your say, how will your voice be heard, how will you get your point across, how can you have your needs met? Are you trying to compete in the marketplace, to get out your ideas, have an audience, be recognized above the clammer and noise of everyday life?
It can be an interesting challenge, and it could be useful to learn how others do it. There are many people that have probably trodden the same path that you're on, have figured it out and have a grip on the rules, tricks and tips of rising above the crowd. This Symbol brings a promise of being heard, but one has to take notice of the "notes" that you are putting forth. Is your tune authentic? Does it lend something to the chorus that's being played out in the real world?
The 'karmic

This feels like a chance for a new beginning, to start over. Imagination can be strong with expectations and enthusiasm running high. Dreams may be coming forth with surprising messages and insights. Taking note of these can prove to be wonderful and productive. How do you feel when you wake up?
The 'quest Symbol' (the degree after) this new Moon is Leo 29: A Mermaid Ha

The trick with this degree, however, is in waiting for 'The Prince' - waiting for that special somebody who's going to complete you, give you the opportunities, provide you with a place, a base, money, support of all kinds; someone who compliments the abilities, talents, gifts and joys you hold in yourself. It can be that those we spend our lives with are not doing this for us - we have to sometimes go it alone while we figure out what we want in our lives. Our futures depend somewhat on our being self sufficient and yet expressing our love; this can be a fine balance to strike between being an individual in your own right and being able to have another (or others) that give us love and our lives more value.
Speaking of value, Saturn, that old taskmaster, is on Virgo 22: A Royal Coat of Arms Enriched With Precious Stones. This says that we have to believe in ourselves, in the things we offer, in the rich vein of our heritage and our abilities. Saturn will reward us if we place a high value on ourselves, our creations, products and relationships.
One thing's for sure, we desire to be with people that hold the same values, beliefs, dreams and wishes. We need to be able to share with like-minded others, particularly as Venus is on Cancer 23: The Meeting of a Literary Society. A meeting of the minds is essential for this new emergence and cooperative ventures.
Meanwhile, Mars is on Gemini 27: A Gypsy Emerging From the Woods Gazes at Far Cities. This speaks of thinking outside of our usual realm, being prepared to strike out for new places, horizons, possibilities and the promises that 'far cities' can bring. We can find ourselves a long way from home or we can travel on the internet - there's no rules, just the desire to set out on a mission and striving for new territory.
At the same time, we need to feel like we have a safe base, somewhere to retreat to or feel looked after. This is shown by Jupiter on Aquarius 22: A Rug Placed on the Floor For Children to Play On. We want to feel we belong, are protected and can have fun, play and be creative. Amongst it all, we also need to feel like we're not shut in; in a crib or a playpen or roped off from the big wide world. Perhaps we're trading safety and security for striking out into a world of possibilities.
Neptune is in high focus opposite this new Moon. The message here is keeping one's equilibrium while learning to stretch our wings and fly. Neptune is on Aquarius 25: A Butterfly With the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed. We have to strive for balance and rise above challenges and impediments. After all, a brand new day is unfolding and the birds hold many messages!
Mercury is also asking us to let go of the old, the outworn and the useless in our lives. Whether it's attitudes, emotions, beliefs, relationships, belongings, places, etc, that we have to let go of, there's a lowering of a flag here. This is because Mercury is on Virgo 25: A Flag at Half Mast in Front of a Public Building. Mourning may be part of the process and it seems that Mercury is paving the way for Saturn to be on this degree very soon. It seems it's time to be letting go, seeing the new dawn and finding our feet and our voices.
Times are sure interesting... I should use this opportunity to share with you Chiron's message of the moment. As many of you will have read in my newsletters, I see Chiron as being more than just the wounded healer and a teacher, I see it as being the storyteller, and, more importantly than that, it's about the stories we tell ourselves. Chiron is currently on Aquarius 24: A Man Turning His Back on His Passions Teaches Deep Wisdom From His Experience.
This speaks of turning your back on something that once meant a great deal to you. This can be a very good thing, if you feel that it turning (or walking away) is taking you forward in life. Many times in our lives, we need to make u-turns and reversals, to walk away from something or somebody.
However, the story may be that we need to heal a wound within ourselves that needs more than turning our backs - it needs a turning of attitude. Some relationships, careers, jobs, life paths, etc, may be impossible to fix, but, with patience, love care and attention, there can be a reversal of outcomes which could lead to a wonderful outcome without having to completely turn your back. Chiron, after all, wants a healing, that's his job. In the end, whatever affects a healing is what needs to be put in place.
Check out Lynda's online Oracle at> and her blog at - get a reading with Lynda - details here
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