Friday, February 26, 2010

Full moon alert

If you didn't already know it by disrupted sleep patterns, the full moon is this week-end. This came in an email from The Power Path:


Full moon is Sunday, February 28 at 9:38 AM Mountain Standard Time. Do something expansive and new to honor your opening and expansion and stretching your horizons. Do something different and unique and perhaps arranged by someone else (especially if you are stubborn). Spend time acknowledging and cherishing life, beauty, and the feminine. Listen to spirit and give thanks for all the opportunities that have come your way for ever deepening your relationship to spirit and your true essence whether easy or challenging. Surrender the resistance to what is and what is happening in your life. If you don't feel particularly energetic at this time, take a break from doing and just be.



Virgo Full Moon, Sun in Pisces 9ยบ Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010 9:38 AM MST Sixth house Virgo is the axis of service; Twelfth house Pisces is the axis of surrender. Virgo speaks of the body; Pisces speaks of the soul. Virgo is the real; Pisces the ideal. It might be said the soul holds a record of all we think, desire and do. Virgo Full Moon brings to the light how we live our ideals. Our behavior, actions, thoughts must not be different from our desire for awakening. Out of this endeavor to manifest the spiritual comes Virgo's reputation for honesty, integrity and purity.

Four planets form a stellium around the Sun in Pisces - Jupiter, Sun, Venus, and Uranus. Much emphasis is placed on Piscean themes for our consideration. This last sign completes the zodiac cycle and allows for the fresh beginnings of spring when the first degree of Aries literally marks the Earth's balance between light and dark at Spring Equinox (Sat. March 20 11:32AM MDT). Neptune-ruled Pisces Sun opens us to becoming one with all that is. With Neptune's relationship with what is deep and unconscious, we feel viscerally the Web of Life and how we are a node in the larger hive resonating with every aspect of life.

Surrender, forgiveness and union are possible with the flow of this powerful lineup of watery influences. How will you apply this opportunity to what is happening in your life?

Winter consists of Capricorn at the winter solstice creating structure and responsibly manifesting in the material world for the good of family and community; next, Aquarius moves the energy to an inspired level of collective, humanitarian concern manifesting through group associations and friendship for the good of all; finally, Pisces unifies and lifts the energy to a spiritual level of oneness offering up all that has come before so we might be sustained by our faith and trust in a force larger than our own finite life. Compassion - universal love is born out of this act of surrender beyond separation to the greater whole. Soon, Aries equinox will again instigate our individuation into the material world.

This final Full Moon before the New Year cycle marked by Spring Equinox is notable for three major influences:

1) Jupiter exactly conjunct the Pisces Sun<>

Friday, February 5, 2010

Finding Your Tribe

I really like [Daily OM] with the daily emails with different thoughts for living a quality life. February 5th is one that I really see as important.

Finding Your Tribe
Your Allies On Life’s Journey

Our tribe members are those people who accept us as we are and gladly accompany us on our journeys of evolution.

Part of being human is the search for an individual identity. Bound to this strong need to establish a unique persona, however, is an equally intense desire for acceptance. It is when we find our individual tribes that both are satisfied. Our tribe members are those people who accept us as we are without reservation and gladly accompany us on our journeys of evolution. Among them, we feel free to be our imperfect selves, to engage unabashedly in the activities we enjoy, and to express our vulnerabilities by relying on our tribe for support. We feel comfortable investing our time and energy in the members of our tribe, and are equally comfortable allowing them to invest their resources in our development.

The individuals who eventually become members of your unique tribe are out there in the wide world waiting for you. You are destined to find them, one by one, as you move through life. Sometimes your own efforts will put you in contact with your future tribe members. At other times, circumstances beyond your control will play a role in helping you connect with your tribe. If you look about you and discover that you are already allied with a wonderful and supportive tribe, remember that there are likely many members of your tribe you have not yet met. On the other hand, if you feel you are still living outside of your tribe, broadening your horizons can help you find your tribe members.

However your life develops after you come together with your tribe, you can be assured that its members will stand at your side. On the surface, your tribe may seem to be nothing more than a loose-knit group of friends and acquaintances to whom you ally yourself. Yet when you look deeper, you will discover that your tribe grounds you and provides you with a sense of community that ultimately fulfills many of your most basic human needs.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February Astrology Reading

from Lena and Jose Stevens (

The main theme for February is SURRENDER.

The theme of Surrender aligns this time frame with the goal of the year, Submission. Surrender does not mean giving up, losing the battle or failure of any kind. Rather it is a giving into and getting behind the forces at work; ones you have created through your intentions. It truly is time to get out of the way and allow life to co-create itself with and around you. Other themes we will be working with this month are Opening, Vulnerability, Willingness, Allowing, Beauty and the Feminine.

This is potentially a month of very deep healing of the oldest wounds of abandonment and entrapment. It is an opportunity to open yourself up to being more connected to your own essence, love, spirit, beauty and deep feeling. A great deal of trust and perceived emotional risk will be required to truly drop into this pool of heightened senses and fuller experience. The possibility of moving into a state of higher awareness is available to you. Because of the old wounds of abandonment and entrapment this can feel like dangerous and scary territory. Addictions will be tested and old patterns of response and reaction will be activated as the false personality becomes threatened. Resist the temptation to medicate and dull the senses as this will only rob you of the Opening and the new spaces you could move into.

As new portals of the higher senses open and beckon, the void opens. If there is a willingness to go into the void and to really feel what is there, beautiful things can be created. However old instinctive fears of annihilation, of losing direction and control will activate stubbornness to put the brakes on to try and stop this forward movement. This inability to let go, surrender and give in could cause much misery, fatigue, depression and despair. Submission means “actively surrendering to”. Stubbornness is the fear of surrendering to something beyond your control; a fear of change. Spirit is daily showing you your life in very obvious ways and putting tests, experiences, bids for power and opportunities for growth in front of you. You just need to stop and listen, receive instructions with all your senses, trust, and to surrender to the flow of the river.

As we struggle with the balance between losing self in the void and staying focused, there can be much confusion this month regarding direction, structure, productivity and clarity. You may question whether you are being vulnerable, accepting and allowing or simply just depressed. You may question whether the emotion you feel belongs to you or to someone else. You may worry that nothing is getting done or that you are losing your mind. Because of the feminine nature of the month, many lessons, questions and answers will be supported by and come from the feminine. This is a very fluid time with the advantage of being non-fixed. This means that literally anything is possible as long as we surrender our attachments. It is a good idea to adopt a daily practice of noticing that the physical universe is not as fixed as it seems. Remind yourself of this often. Use your non-mental intuition and ask your greater feeling self to help with your questions and concerns. Remember that if it feels good, it is of spirit; if not, it is of the false personality. We need to move beyond how the mind has measured progress, productivity and success. It is important to stay out of judgment and simply Allow.

Watch for Self Destruction and self-destructive behavior this month. Self–Destruction can have a passionate dramatic side to it that gives the illusion that something is happening and that life is being lived to the fullest. This is an addiction to drama. We have the opportunity this month to truly experience another way, a more feminine, allowing and vulnerable way where simply putting your focus or attention on something allows it to happen without effort. It is the process of allowing rather than causing something that is alien to our western culture. The deep opening that is available to us this month is like going in deep into the well, an immersion into the feminine, into love and into deep healing. The price of admission is leaving the attachments behind; the attachments to the drama of pain, misery, suffering, wrongdoings and karma.

Desire plays a big part in the themes this month. Desire can lead to addictions if played negatively by the false personality. Desire born of unworthiness, competition, fear, or deprivation will never be satisfied. However, desire born of a deeper willingness to heal, to become more of spirit and to feel the connection of love and beauty, will easily be more than satisfied as the attention is being placed on the glass half full instead of half empty. There is no attachment to true desires aligned with spirit. There is only a deep sense of the feminine power of creativity and the acknowledgment of being a channel and vessel for love and beauty.

Abandonment and Entrapment

All fears and negative expressions of personality stem from either abandonment or entrapment. There is usually a primary one at work in any given personality. Stubbornness is connected to entrapment and the fear of entrapment. Being trapped by authority, other peoples decisions, anything out of your control, even your own plans and decisions when they turn out to be wrong. Entrapment stems from the illusion of not having a choice, creating the reaction of immobility as being the only choice available. For those who have stubbornness and even those of you who do not as a primary obstacle, this is an opportunity to work on eliminating it as an energy that is in the way of moving forward. Actively work with surrendering and submitting to a plan or agenda or decision that is not your own and trust that it will be OK. Look at your attachments especially to your mental constructs of who you are and how the world works and what position you hold in it. There is never a good reason to be stubborn. It is just fear talking. The deep wound of entrapment can be healed through the power of choice and creativity. Choose to surrender.

Self-destruction is the obstacle this year related to abandonment. Self destructive behavior stems from a disregard for the value of life, from a deep wound of being abandoned and therefore not worth keeping, not cherished, and not wanted. A willingness to value life, to surrender and trust love, to cherish beauty and creativity, can turn self-destructive behaviors around and heal the deep wound of abandonment. Watch the Martyrdom as it tries to seduce you into feeling sorry for yourself and as it tries to convince you to keep blaming events and people of the past for your misery. Abandonment and fear of abandonment often comes with a negative desire to try and fill what is missing. Unlike stubbornness that tends to push energies away, self-destruction draws them towards you in the form of addictions.

Beware of any self-pity, eliminate it ruthlessly and be willing to surrender to the void where the healing of creating other possibilities awaits you.

How to work with SURRENDER


Stop fighting yourself, judging yourself, trying to figure yourself out, worrying about yourself, being absorbed in yourself, impatient with yourself, irritated with yourself, disappointed in yourself, confused about yourself, feeling sorry for yourself. This is an opportunity to shift the assemblage point of the self you have created up to this point. This may have you feeling “not like yourself”, a good thing. One way to insure this is to do something completely out of the ordinary and out of “character” for you. The deep personal healing of old wounds can often happen more easily and effectively if you are not so much on control of your environment and your patterns. When fear prompts you to medicate or run, be strong and stay with the process. Liberation is the reward. The opening into more of all the good things that life has to offer awaits you. So get out of the way and appreciate what spirit has in store. Allow yourself to feel in a deeper, fuller way with more of your senses engaged. Allow love and beauty into your life.


Study how you are in relationship to others based on old wounds. Do you approach relationships from a fear of entrapment or a fear of abandonment? Work with acceptance, surrender and allowing for deep healing to take place. The healing of your relationship to these old wounds is also possible this month as you shift your relationship with yourself. Relationships in general this month can deepen into new levels of intimacy, communication and support. The feminine principle builds community and trust. Long withheld secrets may be exposed, shared and cleared. The challenge in relationships this month will be to keep them evolving positively while being sensitive around how much truth, surrender, trust, intimacy, love and support someone can handle at a time. Loneliness may also be an issue that will come up for review. If you have been alone, you will deeply desire connection. If you have been inundated with attention, you may need to get some personal space.


The planet continues to be chaotic on some levels, highly creative on others, destructive in some areas, in harmony and beauty in others. The physical planet will always support and mirror the internal lessons of humanity as we evolve. Look for the planet to continue to support relationships, compassion, love, and acceptance. It is always a good idea to surrender to what is, to see all natural events with neutrality, and to be accepting and flexible. Allow and appreciate the planet’s creative and destructive expression and be delighted with the power and beauty it represents.


Success in these areas will depend on your willingness to surrender, to be flexible, to allow others to take the lead, and to be a team player. Relationships with others will be key. This is very much a month where you cannot do it alone. Community efforts are greatly rewarded as they will accomplish way more than anyone can by themselves. If you are used to working alone, making decisions alone, taking all the blame or responsibility alone, this may change this month. A cooperative time with communal responsibilities, projects, ideas and collaboration is the future. This can be a prosperous month as long as you are not attached to how. Imagine the feminine as a large pool of water and the masculine as a fish that swims towards something to catch it. We are used to gathering our resources and marking our successes by going after the prey. The feminine way is to float in the pond and wait for the gifts to come to you. They can come from any direction and in any volume, size or shape. They can surprise you from the back or the side. So allow for things to happen this month instead of trying to cause a result. It is better to focus on ideas and projects already in process than efforting to come up with new ones. Watch for what falls into your lap. It is probably something to pay attention to.


Lots of lessons to be learned here. Surrender is one of them. Compassion another. Taking responsibility yet another. The wheels of the collective move very slowly at the level you can experience results on the physical plane. The creative field of the collective however can move instantly, and chaotically. There is progress as we speak, we just don’t see it yet. It will seem that we may move in some areas towards a greater degree of separation, but that is an illusion. You will need to trust that all is happening as it should and according to the bigger picture. A river will often back track on itself in order to get to the final destination. So if it seems we are going backwards, we are not, it just seems that way. Keep doing your part in your own environment with your own politics at home and at work. The rest will fall into place.


February 1-6: A soft week. You may feel tired with a desire to rest. You may feel somewhat spaced out and unclear. You may feel drawn to community involvement. You may feel like you want to connect for support, contact, love. Surrender to allowing something other than your plans and your mind to direct how your days unfold. Leave room in your schedule for unpredictable events, surprises and spontaneity. At the same time it is important to keep some daily ritual or practice to keep you grounded. Focus on being creativity instead of doing creativity. Focus on and be around beauty and the feminine.

February 7: A time of Opening. Drop into the place of healing and moving beyond any wounding from the past that may be holding you back. Be around support and love. Nurture yourself in some way during this time. Watch for personality reactions of addictive behavior, fear, and escape. Surrender.

February 7-14: A good time for taking advantage of anything spirit brings you that gives you the opportunity for deep healing of old wounds. You may hear from long forgotten friends or relatives. You may be presented with opportunities for new relationships, experiences, possibilities for change. Be spontaneous and flexible, get out of the way and allow things to happen.

February 13: New Moon at 7:51 PM Mountain Standard Time. Set your desires with the intention of allowing instead of causing. Take time to be in gratitude and receive what comes.

February 14: Another day supporting a deep opening. Trust spirit and surrender. Trust what is in front of you without judgment. Allow your senses to become heightened. Fell yourself a channel for more love, beauty, creativity and healing.

February 15-21: Take stock of where you are, who you are with, what you are doing, how you are feeling. Your reality check should be a deeper sense of peace and surrender. You have the opportunity to experience life as calm and balanced and effortless. If this is not your experience, ask yourself why the addiction to drama? What is the attachment. Remember you are not giving up or failing or whimping out but rather choosing to surrender and give into what is already happening.

February 22-28: This could be a truly higher centered time of experiencing life more multi-dimensionally with a heightened sense of feeling. You could also be still battling stubbornness and self-destruction. Both are valid. Don’t dwell in the misery or get lost in the illusion of false personality. Just like when thrown off a horse. Get up and get back on the path of spirit.

February 28: Full moon at 9:38 AM Mountain Standard Time. Do something expansive to honor our opening and expansion. Do something different and unique and perhaps arranged by someone else (especially if you are stubborn) Spend time in acknowledging and cherishing life, beauty, the feminine and spirit.