Friday, February 26, 2010

Full moon alert

If you didn't already know it by disrupted sleep patterns, the full moon is this week-end. This came in an email from The Power Path:


Full moon is Sunday, February 28 at 9:38 AM Mountain Standard Time. Do something expansive and new to honor your opening and expansion and stretching your horizons. Do something different and unique and perhaps arranged by someone else (especially if you are stubborn). Spend time acknowledging and cherishing life, beauty, and the feminine. Listen to spirit and give thanks for all the opportunities that have come your way for ever deepening your relationship to spirit and your true essence whether easy or challenging. Surrender the resistance to what is and what is happening in your life. If you don't feel particularly energetic at this time, take a break from doing and just be.



Virgo Full Moon, Sun in Pisces 9ยบ Sunday, Feb. 28, 2010 9:38 AM MST Sixth house Virgo is the axis of service; Twelfth house Pisces is the axis of surrender. Virgo speaks of the body; Pisces speaks of the soul. Virgo is the real; Pisces the ideal. It might be said the soul holds a record of all we think, desire and do. Virgo Full Moon brings to the light how we live our ideals. Our behavior, actions, thoughts must not be different from our desire for awakening. Out of this endeavor to manifest the spiritual comes Virgo's reputation for honesty, integrity and purity.

Four planets form a stellium around the Sun in Pisces - Jupiter, Sun, Venus, and Uranus. Much emphasis is placed on Piscean themes for our consideration. This last sign completes the zodiac cycle and allows for the fresh beginnings of spring when the first degree of Aries literally marks the Earth's balance between light and dark at Spring Equinox (Sat. March 20 11:32AM MDT). Neptune-ruled Pisces Sun opens us to becoming one with all that is. With Neptune's relationship with what is deep and unconscious, we feel viscerally the Web of Life and how we are a node in the larger hive resonating with every aspect of life.

Surrender, forgiveness and union are possible with the flow of this powerful lineup of watery influences. How will you apply this opportunity to what is happening in your life?

Winter consists of Capricorn at the winter solstice creating structure and responsibly manifesting in the material world for the good of family and community; next, Aquarius moves the energy to an inspired level of collective, humanitarian concern manifesting through group associations and friendship for the good of all; finally, Pisces unifies and lifts the energy to a spiritual level of oneness offering up all that has come before so we might be sustained by our faith and trust in a force larger than our own finite life. Compassion - universal love is born out of this act of surrender beyond separation to the greater whole. Soon, Aries equinox will again instigate our individuation into the material world.

This final Full Moon before the New Year cycle marked by Spring Equinox is notable for three major influences:

1) Jupiter exactly conjunct the Pisces Sun<>

1 comment:

Kay Dennison said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo!!!! Then again, it explains a lot for me.