Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Once again, this is from my email and I felt it worth sharing to see what others might think about it. In this first section, I agree that we are in challenging times. That doesn't have to mean bad.  The concept of visualizing what we want to have happen, to use that as a meditation tool, that I have tried. It didn't create a miracle for me-- sometimes it is hard to decide what a miracle would be, but it does give a few relaxing moments (or more) of living with what we would like to have be our reality-- even if it doesn't change our physical world. What follows is all from the email. I was unable to view the videos due to limitations from my server in terms of usage when online; but if anybody else does, please let me know if they seemed of value and I might try to do it some late night.


We are in some tough times on Earth, and many of us have had some interesting ... challenges ... lately, or within the last year or so.  That's because we are intimately connected to Earth, and her vibration is one with ours.

So, two things that have come to my awareness of late I think have critical information for us all.

The first is a very revealing video - actually, 3 videos - of a bone-throwing and spiritual reading about the BP oil spill and what it means, and what we, as a collective human group, need to do now.

Bone throwing is an ancient art of divination;  like Tarot or crystal ball or Runes - they are all tools to guide the spiritual "reader."  In this case, Kay is the reader ... Kay is pretty amazing, very pure and connected.  This reading (as given in the 3 videos) supports a lot of the information I've received from other sources about the spill.  

We truly are at a crossroads in our human consciousness.  I urge and encourage you to watch these 3 videos and then share them with your spheres of influence and friends.


ALSO - I don't know if you're familiar with Gregg Braden or not.  He is a geologist - author of "Zero Point" (about Earth's magnetics and vibration - very interesting book).  Over the years, he's gradually become interested in prayer and how it has the power to influence our own life and our surrounding environment -- he even traveled to Tibet in search of "lost" ancient texts and scrolls about prayer.  Traditionally, the Tibetan monks have been the recorders of spiritual history.  Gregg has written several books about that, and on our connection to higher consciousness through our thoughts and beliefs.  I have attended one of his workshops, and I must say he is an awesome and very connected being.  

Anyway, here below is a segment from one of his books with some added notes.  A powerful reminder of our own power to change things in our life ... and in the world.  (This segment is taken from a recent newsletter by Dick Sutphen.  Do you know who he is?  If not, a brief intro to him is at the end of this short piece.)

Please read this -- and share this with others, as well.  Very important reminder here ...

Thanks, and have a great and peaceful day!


This column is from 2006 [of Dick Sutphen's newsletter]. I hope you enjoy it again, or for the first time.

During the visualization portion of my Mind-Programming CDs and videos, I ask listeners to imagine what they desire as if it were already so, and to do this with emotion. As an example I’ve used for 30 years: If you’re programming to lose weight, visualize yourself stepping upon your bathroom scale and watch the dial settle upon the weight you desire to be. Then imagine yourself excitedly telling your partner or a friend that you have reached your goal and how good it feels.

Visualization with emotion is the most powerful part of a mind-programming session.

To bring some of this thinking up to speed, I’ll share some recent awareness that excited me. I spent last weekend as a participant in a “Divine Matrix” seminar conducted by author Gregg Braden. Gregg’s message was a composite of his books, “The God Code,” “The Isaiah Effect” and “Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer.”

Much of Gregg’s communication relates to his long search through ancient writings and sacred texts for a more effective form of prayer. As much as I am into mind-programming, I had not considered that classic prayer -- asking God for what you want -- actually cancels out your request. From a programming perspective, you begin by acknowledging you do not have what you want.

Here’s an excerpt from Gregg’s latest book, “Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer.” He describes accompanying a friend on a hike through the NM high desert. During a time of drought, his friend David wanted to pray for rain within a medicine wheel.   Gregg writes: “I wasn’t prepared for what I saw next. I watched carefully as David removed his shoes, gently placed his naked feet into the circle, and honored the four directions and all of his ancestors. Slowly, he placed his hands in front of his face in a praying position, closed his eyes and became motionless. Oblivious to the heat of the midday desert sun, his breathing slowed and became barely noticeable. After only a few moments, he took a deep breath, opened his eyes to look at me, and said, ‘Let’s go. Our work is finished here.’

“Expecting to see dancing, or at least some chanting, I was surprised by how quickly this prayer began and then ended. ‘Already?’ I asked. ‘I thought you were going to pray for rain!’

“David’s reply to my question has been the key that has helped so many to understand this kind of prayer. As he sat on the ground to lace up his shoes, David looked up at me and smiled. ‘No,’ he replied. ‘I said that I would pray rain. If I have prayed for rain, it would never happen.’”

Gregg asked, “‘If you didn’t pray for rain, then what did you do?’

“‘It’s simple,’ he replied. ‘I began to have the feeling of what rain feels like. I felt the feeling of rain on my body, and what it feels like to stand with my naked feet in the mud in our village plaza because there has been so much rain. I smelled the smells of rain on the earthen walls in our village, and felt what it feels like to walk through fields of corn chest high because there has been so much rain.’”

David had used his thoughts, feelings and emotions to perceive what he desired as an already accomplished fact. Although Gregg does not go into it in the book, in the seminar he said the following day it started to rain and did not stop until after the rain itself had become a problem.

In another segment of the seminar, Gregg showed a video of a woman with inoperable cancer being healed at a medical clinic in mainland China. A female technician used an ultra-sound monitor allowing us to see what was happening within the patient’s body as three doctors chanted something to the effect of the healing being “ALREADY DONE.” Within 2-1/2 minutes the cancer disappeared. The success rate of such healings is over 90 percent if the patient is willing to establish new patterns of thinking, diet and exercise.

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