Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lena's thoughts in a link for January

As for me, Rain, I am not totally into astrology to the point that I base my life around it but sometimes you have to wonder when you are feeling something like a lot of stress and ineffectiveness, then you talk to other creative friends who are experiencing the same thing. Maybe something's going on. That's when I go looking for what.

For me it's been a time of a lot of thinking, mental chaos almost if I don't try to control it where my mind jumps from one thing to another. I don't feel it's bad but do feel I need to focus and quit worrying. I even wrote a blog about it which is, of course, slightly chaotic as one might expect based on the general malaise I feel, but I will have it up tomorrow in Rainy Day Thoughts-- chaotic or not. 

I am hoping this will be a great year and see no reason it will not even if its beginning has been a little depressing for me on many levels. The writing though is going well. Personal life-- a little more iffy but I'm working on it.

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