Tuesday, December 31, 2013

about 2014 from Rick Riedel

forwarded email from Rick Riedel 2013

Greetings All,

Here is a little glimpse into 2014. If you are receiving this, you are on my list or someone you know put you on it. 


It is a long time custom to observe the tone of any given year and its indications by the events and feelings of the first day of that year. Personal observation has shown that, at least in one’s personal life, the way New Year’s Day goes is an indicator of the whole year to come. I am writing this because January 1, 2014 has some interesting and ominous configurations that will surely indicate a particularly important and pivotal year for us all.

2014 has the unique distinction of beginning on a new Moon (in Capricorn, of course), and this new Moon is conjunct to Pluto, the planet of societal change and major upheavals. Mercury is within 2 degrees of these orbs, and the whole stellium is square to a Mars/Uranus opposition that is just a precursor of a rare and stressful grand cross that will be complete on April 20, 2014. More about that cross in another article!

The January new Moon is really the indicator of new beginnings of the grand and glorious, not just the mundane and easily forgotten New Year’s resolutions that are the custom. It is a marker of the start of profound and deep changes that promise to break up the staid, corrupt and firmly implanted norms that have outlived their influence.

The nature of Pluto, which, remember, is conjunct to the new Moon, is to present that which has been festering underground for a long time and finally break it loose. The usual analogy is to notice a dirty spot on the wall of the bathroom. When you try to scrub it, your hand goes through the wall. This opens a hole that reveals a pipe that has been leaking for months and has now rotted the sheet rock so that it crumbles and falls under your touch. Further excavation uncovers a vast area of rusted pipes, soaked wallboard and a tremendous mess. The wall has to be completely removed, the pipes replaced, the studs ripped out and redone…but, in the end, you have a new, perfectly functional and solid structure that is better than before. We will all get to see this sort of force at work as 2014 unfolds.

Pluto is our connection to the outer solar system, the realm of Spirit. It is our pipeline to the underworld; Hades, the river Styx and the Spirit World. The new Moon is the start of a cycle of manifestation. With Mercury in company we get to see and understand what Pluto has uncovered, and how the Sun and Moon will start the path to manifestation. In essence, what we have then is a peek into that which needs changing, and the means to bring those changes about here in the physical world. 2014 will spend all of its time bringing into form what is noticed on New Year’s Day.

On the first of January 2014, you can be prognosticator and seer for a day into your own personal life. Watch and see what happens to you on January 1 and imagine this day setting the tone for the whole year. This may be an exercise into the more abstract than you are used to. A pleasant day with spouse and family could indicate smooth sailing in other areas of your life. Strife followed by resolution may extend to financial or career arenas.

It’s perfectly acceptable to stack the deck and plan pleasant, fun activities. You can loll all day in bed with a hangover that can be prevented, or you can set your course for fun and adventure! Which track do you want to set out on?

There will probably be some upsets and changes on a global scale. Financial institutions and government programs are due for correction. Perhaps Earth changes and geologic upsets are in store. Capricorn is an Earth sign, after all. There is not much we can do about those things, but your own life can be manipulated by your intent and action.

Those with a birthday on or near January 1, April 1, July 1 or October 1 need to be specially aware. This new Moon is affecting you sharply with either a square or opposition, depending on your birth date.

For everyone, though, January 1, 2014 is a call to be aware and realize that it’s a good day to make some keen observations. There is a big planetary kick behind what happens to you this day. See how you can tip the scales of destiny with your new found awareness and shine your best self into the New Year to come…

If you would like to take a gander at your personal astrological aspects into 2014, please feel free to contact me. Happy New Year and beyond…

© Rick Riedel 2013

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