Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 20-24

well, you never know, do you? Never hurts to be positive in relationships and life even if these kind of astrological indicators don't turn out to offer quite what they say...

Between April 20 and 24, be ready to experience one of the most powerful astrological events in years. It’s alternately called the “Cardinal Grand Cross” or the “Grand Cardinal Cross”. But what matters much more than terminology is the exceptionally potent energy that will be pushed through our world as this aspect converges. It’s as if we’re all being forced through the most intense crucible of our lives at the same time. Prepare to transform!
With planetary players Pluto, Uranus, Mars and Jupiter all lined up in the formation of a cross during these few days, events will come to a fever pitch -- both personally and collectively. It’s not possible for us to have control over geopolitics, but in our intimate lives and relationships, we need to know how to make the right choices.

The most important thing to remember as this moment arrives is that you’re at a pivotal crossroads. You can make a choice that will deepen and enhance the relationship(s) that mean the most to you -- or you can break them apart by acting rashly and immaturely.

Here is the lay of the land: Mars is retrograde in Libra (the sign of relationships) and Pluto (the planet of karma) is in a challenging square to it. At the same time, Uranus is charging the whole setup with unlimited (and sometimes shocking) electricity; the only thing you can expect is the unexpected.

Jupiter takes all of this energy to the next level and blows it way out of proportion. With its current placement in Cancer, all relationships lead back down the road to your early childhood. The wounds and abandonment issues that you experienced when you were young are now coming up for review.

Even as that happens, it’s important to let the emotion flow, without blaming or being reactive. You’re getting down to the baseline truth -- what really matters. The relationships that will survive this moment are the ones you’re meant to be in. Holding tighter to toxic, unhealthy bonds will only hurt you in the end. If you’re willing to face your past and move on into a better future, the right relationship will show up at exactly the right time.

It may not be over; it may just be time for a breakthrough. Listen, don’t overreact and -- most of all -- love yourself.

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